The government has lifted all legal restrictions on COVID-19 protocols. However, we ask our congregation to continue to observe some of the Covid-19 protocols i.e. wearing of face covering, use of hand sanitizer (provided) and social distancing, although we have now reduced the social distancing to 1.0 meter plus. Please follow the instructions of the Stewards. We have also resumed community singing but we request that you keep your face covering on while singing.
As we come to the end of our connexional year at a time when we are recovering from the losses and damages caused by covid19, I am reminded of Samuel’s words at a place which is between Mizpah and Shen, “Ebenezer – thus far the Lord has helped us” (1 Samuel 7:12). If I look back at what we went through as individuals, families and as communities during the past 12 months, Samuel’s words resonate well with most of us. I am aware that we lost our loved ones and some of us lost a lot of opportunities due to this pandemic. May God help us to press on towards the ultimate goal knowing that we cannot change the past. I pray for an end to this pandemic so that we can freely do our work as we used to before this pandemic
Nelson Mandela once said “No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite. As we approach our new year, let us all learn to love unconditionally.
May we all pray for our siblings in Afghanistan, Haiti and those whose suffering has not come to our attention and ask God to have mercy on His children. As we prepare for COP26 and seeing the changing weather patterns, we will set a Sunday aside in order for us to jointly find ways of combating climate change as well as praying for unity of purpose in this worthy cause. We continue to pray for our members who are not feeling well and wish them a speedy recovery.
I want to end with a prayer by Hildergard of Bingen (1098-1179) which reads:
We offer our hands, O Lord, to do your work; our lips to sing your praise; our life to proclaim your glory and our heart to serve you in our neighbour; for Jesus’ sake. Amen
Have a blessed week
SUNDAY OFFERING Please place your offering in the plate provided at the exit as you leave after the service. Those who are able to may give their offering on line directly into the church account: Sort Code 403807, account no 51375369, Bank HSBC
LADIES TUESDAY LUNCHEON GROUP will be re-opening on Tuesday 14th September. We meet in the Coffee Pot for lunch on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 12.30 for 12.45. All ladies welcome.
RE-OPENING We are proceeding cautiously to re-open some of our activities. The Day Centre has re-opened as well as a number of other user groups. We are working with other user groups to re-start their activities in a safe manner.
1654/8 Bristol Road South Rednal Birmingham B45 9TY